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Customers' Feedback
on the Soup to Nuts Guide | 
Download the Soup to Nuts Guide | "This
is great, I just finished reading the guide and I'm very excited about
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been in the MSP business for about two years now, your research
dovetailed nicely with what we have observed as well". Kevin Holl Principal, Apogee Strategies LLC | "The
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of MSP business very well. A very good effort from Adventnet. We will
get in touch with Adventnet at the appropriate time". Madhu TC Sr IT Manager, CMC Ltd. | "The document is pretty good. Actually we are working on a feasibility for setting up an MSP and the guide is simple to understand and has touched more or less every aspect pertaining to the subject". M. Amir Salman | "I did find the guide very useful. I am still exploring my options regarding the MSP software. Thanks". Ed Khundmiri | "We have found it invaluable to the starting of our business as a managed service provider, and things mentioned in it are not heard of in our area so I think it will give us an advantage in the market. We are looking to purchase your MSP Suite to round it all up nicely". Shannan Summers
Proprietor, Zero Limit Tech. Group |