October Newsletter - 2012

Top Story Applications Manager enhances Microsoft Ecosystem support
Does the IT infrastructure of your business use a lot of Microsoft and Windows applications and components? Then, check out the new Windows Azure monitoring and .NET transaction monitoring features in Applications Manager. This is in addition to the existing support for Hyper-V, Windows Server, Exchange, Active Directory, SharePoint, Microsoft MQ, SQL Server and IIS.
The Azure monitoring capabilities enables the IT administrators to ensure their cloud-based applications running on the Windows Azure platform perform optimally. It helps proactively troubleshoot performance issues and optimize capacity planning.
The .NET transaction monitoring helps development teams identify slow spots in transactions by showing breakup of web transaction response times to the granularity of a method level or database call. With Apdex user experience scores for .NET components, IT administrators can communicate application performance achievements to the line of business managers in a business-friendly language.
Product News & Updates
- ADSelfService Plus eliminates vulnerability issues in its latest release
The latest release of ADSelfService Plus (Version 4.5 Build 4550) provides enhanced security against... more… - Privileged Session Recording in Password Manager Pro
Privileged sessions launched from Password Manager Pro (v 6.7) can be recorded, archived and played... more… - Enhanced agent-based server monitoring in the Cloud with Site24x7
Get in-depth info about the back-end server performance and front-end user experience of your websites... more…
Analyst Blogs
Nowadays, enterprises of all sizes and types rely on surveillance cameras for physical security of their premises. With cyber-crimes looming large, effectively securing ...
Last week, I attended the 2012 Midmarket CIO Forum. It got me thinking about how dramatically IT and the role of the chief information officer (CIO) have evolved.
My first introduction to the world of IT was back in the late eighties. I was fresh out of college and working for a software
Case Studies
Meet Us
Nov 6 - 8, 2012 CiscoLive - Mexico | Nov 20 - 23, 2012 Euro User Conference - Madrid / Istanbul |
Nov 13 - 14, 2012 Mexico User Conference – Mexico City | Nov 27 - 28, 2012 Gartner DC Summit - London |
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